Job Execution Procedure

Typical Job Execution Procedure

Typical job execution plan illustrates company's policy adopted for the Successful completion
of the project.

Award Of Contract

Identification of project In-charge from home office & project manager for the field operation
& supervision team.

Kick Off Meeting

Formation of "Task Force"
from home office
responsible for the
mobilization of
sites. Establishing the
temporary facilites,
deployment of field
personnel etc. till site
becomes operational and
then hand over to field
management team.

During mobilization period
task force also shall submit
and obtain approvals from
client for inspection and
test plan, various method
statements approvals of WPS
/ PQR's, safety plan and risk
management, mobilization
schedule for equipments and
manpower over all construction

Once the site becomes operational then the nominated "Project Manager" shall start functioning & shall be fully responsible to maintain the schedule with Quality and Safety with the help of his team.

Project Manager shall perform in Close Coordination with Client / Consultant on day to day basis as per agreed schedule.

P.M. shall also be in Close Coordination with Home Office for his requriments of Manpower, Equipments etc.

Site shall report on daily basis about progress and Manpower Deployment Status to H.O. and Consultant as per the needs.

Project Manager shall attend the weekly progress meeting and safety meeting with client / consultant and report to H.O. for any contraints. The monthly progress review meeting shall be attended also by H.O. representative and shall be responsible for any corrective action if needed. The weekly and monthly progress reports are routed through our director for his attention.

All activites such as Fabrication, Erection, NDT, Testing, Painting, etc. shall be carried out as per approved method statements and quality procedures in accordance with client's requirement and company's quality system.

Site team also shall be responsible to perform all activities in accordance to safety plan and applicable risk assesment.

Our site shall be well supported for all requirements from our H.O.mumbai and all reports small or big shall be communicated to our Director / CEO from any shortfall H.O. task force shall be responsible to do the needful to meet client's requirement.
